I feel sick
I feel rough...
Yuk Yuk Yuk.
Last night went round Climber Dude's house, with a bunch of friends, already agreed to it before what happened last Sunday, when we had the discussion where he told me he wasn't ready for a relationship. It was the first time I'd seen him since and we got on fine. Great.
I get a text when I get home
"Gretta don't spose you want to brave the shopping mall tomorrow to help me finish Christmas shopping"
my reply
"Really? No. I've got all my shopping sorted and I avoid shopping at all costs on the Saturday before Christmas".
His reply
"Well, how about lunch then and then after lunch we can decide?"
Not sure what to reply, thinking maybe he wants to talk some more about our conversation the other day, thinking I should give him the opportunity if that's what he does want to do.
"Ok I'll do lunch"
He then suggests this little classy cafe not to far from my place and to meet there at 1 tomorrow. I'm thinking cool.
I somehow end up paying for lunch, not sure how that one works, then we end up going to some local shops to finish his Christmas shopping and then he invites himself back to my place and we end up watching Gorillas in the mist, but with no mention of our conversation, absolutely no flirting at all, and it all seemed rather bizarre I must say.
He's going away for Christmas and I'm not going to see him now until New Year and maybe he felt obliged to spend some time with me before he went away, who knows. All I know is, I'm really glad he's gona away for Christmas, I'm fed up of the confusion, and hopefully when he gets back they'll be no more time spent together. He didn't even hug me goodbye today! It's so weird, really I told best friend and she just doesn't understand at all. Me neither.
Anyway, one and all have a very happy Christmas and I hope 2008 rocks for you. I for one am hoping for a little less confusing drama. yes I am.
Gretta xx
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