Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas break.

It's been nice not to blog this week. Week full of family madness.
Climber Dude has been away, he text me on Christmas day and we had a bit of a chat yesterday, he gets back on Sunday and I think he may want to meet up unsure if I will or not yet.
Flatmate has been a bit scarce clearly spending sometime over Christmas with Gifty, he still managed to turn up on boxing day night though and he slept the night, it shocked me to find him still there in the morning and we went to the shopping mall together to hit the sales. It felt a bit odd really we've never really been "out" like that. I was really shocked to have him still asleep next to me when i woke up, I shook him and he pulled the covers over his head and was like "Gretta it's cold" and I replied "Flatmate I've got to hit the sales so you've gotta get up, you can't stay here so you either go home or come with me" he replied "it's cold can't I just say here" which then let me to push him out of the bed, we both started laughing and he said he'd come shopping with me. I've not seen him since, he was gona buy me a present at the shops but town was soooo busy ended up deciding to jack it in. I had to meet my mum for lunch anyway and he had to head off. I've not seen him since boxing day but it was really quite nice. AND NO I didn't sleep with him.
I really am on my best behaviour.
On Christmas Eve when to the pub with Childhood sweetheart and we've been messaging via facebook ever since but I feel like I'm gona end up messing him about and I don't want him to think badly of me so am gona back off.
I had a great Christmas catching up with family and friends, seriously eaten far toooo much, seriously more than ever before - definitely need to diet and I'm not a dieter by principle.
If I don't blog again - Happy New Year to you all.


Blogger Ginamonster said...

What confusing signals he sends...

9:58 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

Happy New Year you gorgeous woman! Here's to a fabulous year ahead filled with adventures.


2:32 PM  

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