Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I'd just got into bed, pulled up the covers and snuggled in for the night's sleep.
Then the doorbell went. I wasn't expecting anyone, but just in case it was some kind of emergency I clambered out of bed, headed down the stairs and opened the door.
Flatmate was stood in front of me, before I had chance to say a word he walked in and sat himself down on my sofa. I shut the door and followed him.
I was shocked this is the first time I'd seen him in ages, since before he told me he couldn't give me what I wanted. I stood by him looking at him very puzzled, he asked me how I was. I told him I was good, I was still trying to understand how he could just walk in and plonk himself down on my sofa so confidently it was as if he'd never been away.
He must have seen my aprehensiveness because he then took my hands and pulled me to him, without saying a word he gently started kissing my hands. I just stood there in silence allowing him to. He pulled me closer and then traced the lines of my cheeks with his fingers. I felt myself getting weaker I wanted him to stop but I was enjoying the intimacy. I leant forward and allowed my cheeks to brush against his. He was wearing the aftershave I love, he knows that smell has a serious unstoppable affect on me, this wasn't good but he smelt so delicious.
His lips slowly found mine and he gently kissed them, then he slowly began to kiss my neck I could feel my body feeling very unsteady underneath me, half of me wanted him to stop, the other half wanted him to keep going. Again, I seemed to be fighting the angel and demon that reside on either shoulder.
He worked his way up to my lips again and began kissing me less gently and much more passionately inserting his tongue, I began to massage his tongue with mine feeling myself getting weaker with every taste of him. He stood up and pulled me close so I could feel his body against mine and I could feel how hard he was against my thigh.
I pulled away, and with all that was in me tried to put a stern look on my face, a look that said "that's enough" truth is I didn't really want it to be enough. My look must have worked because he then looked me directly in the eye and said.
"I know. It's late, I'm going to go now"
He walked out of the door and shut it behind him leaving me stood there. Slightly still in shock by the whole incident. I realised how wet I was, I still had a need that hadn't been satisfied. I went back upstairs to bed and enjoyed myself all alone and it was the best enjoyment I'd had for a very long time and Flatmate wasn't needed for it.


Blogger Aaron said...

Poor Gifty.

4:32 AM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

What can I say Aaron apart from you're right poor gifty but bloody hell I was too vulnerable to be put in that position. I did stop it before it went too far and it took every ounce of strength I had. It's still wrong though and I'm a terrible person. Poor Gifty.

5:15 AM  
Blogger Scotty said...

Ummm... so he showed up, sat on your couch. Then asked how you were, then you made out, then you kicked him out?

Why did he come over?

7:17 AM  
Blogger Vengelyne said...

Way to go in kicking him, girl. I thought you'd succumb to his advances.

Maybe he wasn't getting any from Gifty and tried to get lucky with you? Ugh.

Anyways, I'm really proud of you. :) *muacks*

7:36 AM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Scotty: I don't know?

Last night I was just taken back, he hasn't been over for ages, I wasn't expecting to see him, he didn't tell me he was coming he just turned up. Very few words were said between us. Last night I was seriously in shock, honestly I didn't even feel in control it was very surreal.

Then today I've been asking the same question why did he come over?

You're a guy you might be able to help me these are the reasons I've thought of why he may have come over..

1. That he's been feeling funny about Climber Dude after me saying to him I wouldn't rule him out.

2. That he wanted to demonstrate that he still had that hold on me if he so wanted it.

3. That he was playing some kind of game, like a game of chicken to push me so far until I backed off.

4. That he'd had an argument with Gifty and needed some attention.

5. That he really was just in the mood and thought I'd put out for him.

6. Maybe he wanted to see if he could start things back up with me.

7. Maybe he was just missing me

What do you think the most likely reason was?

See I'm back to analysing things again. Tell you what though at the moment I don't want to speak to him for a while. I just felt too vulnerble last night and I didn't like it one bit.

7:38 AM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Venge: I'm not really that proud of me. I totally get what Aaron said fact of the matter is he is taken guy and I was making out with him. So, it didn't go as far as it has in the past but whatever it's still cheating. That's nothing to be proud of but I am glad I pulled away and managed to stop it before it went too far. However, in saying that, it was VERY HARD to do. I was very weak.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Paige Jennifer said...

Right, yeah, that was a post I shouldn't have read while sitting at my desk.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

it could be any of those reasons. I would stay away for a bit, all its going to do is complicate things.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How confusing!!!? Can't wait to hear where it goes from here...

5:09 PM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Paige: sorry didn't mean to make you flustered ;)

Scotty: I totally agree I didn't go online last night purposely to avoid him as I knew he'd be on and to be honest I actually haven't thought about him really since, it's very odd. So yep steering clear is what I'm going to do, I'm hoping that was the last of it now I've pulled away.

A life: I don't think it's gona go anywhere from here, I think he was horny and that was that. At least that's how I read it.

Thanks for you input tho guys.


1:12 AM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

URGH!?!?! MEN!?!?!? That must've been very strange. Poor Gretta!!! Why do they pull this shite?!

No matter what Gretta, he's the one with a partner - not you. Don't feel guilty over it. Be proud that you kicked him out because you don't want to go there again.

If Gifty doesn't know what's going on she's a moron. Everyone knows. Everyone. The fact that she's ignoring it is her problem, not yours.

Grrrr - am so angry at Flatmate. If I saw him (and knew who he was) I'd throw a shoe at him!

5:56 PM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Now come on Betty... No man is worth wasting a good shoe on ;) you don't want to break the shoe. Maybe throw a rock haha.

Gretta x

4:50 AM  

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