Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Coffeesnob asked previously about what parts of men do women find attractive and what parts don't really matter - actually he asked in a much more sophistocated way but I've traslated it into Gretta language.
To be honest I think when girls grow up in their teenage years, peer pressure puts a lot of emphasis on how someone looked. For instance I wasn't allowed to wear make-up to school (officially) it was school rules and my mum wouldn't dare let me out of the house with make-up on. However, seriously I was 12 years old and I was going to wear make-up and I caped myself in it from the moment I got to school.
I found out later, that my mum as a teen had these platform boots that she wasn't allowed to wear to school, however as soon as she was out of her street on went her platforms.
It's what young (or almost) teenage girls do and it didn't start in my generation, it's passed down from generation to generation as the example above says.
However, now I'm well past my teenage years I can safely say what I "thought" looked good when I was teen definitely did not look good and it's certainly not what attracts me to a man now. For instance acne and really greasy hair in an undercut style, with MC Hammer trousers tucked inside knee length doctor martins - Just aint pretty but boy did I think it was sexy back then - what the heck was wrong with me?!!!!
So, without wanting to sound shallow - attraction varies. I'm ideally attracted to someone that makes me feel comfortable in their company, and someone who can put a smile on my face, no necessarily out of having a great sense of humour although that helps but out of caring and being attentive.
Yet, that's not quite what Coffeesnob asked and I'd love to say that you grow out of that peer pressure that you experience when you're young but I'm not sure that you do completely - so now for the shallow bit....
1. I love a guys smile, if a guy has a smile that captures my attention that's a good thing and when a guy smiles at a girl they don't know what effect that smile could be having on a girl.
2. Arms are always a winner, arms that you know you'll be safe in, arms that when wrapped around you make you feel like the rest of the world doesn't exist.
3. Eyes - eyes that with just one glance you can escape in.
4. Men should NEVER wax or shave any part of their body. Hairy men are sexy and actually girls don't want you to be less hairy than they are.
However, ultimately - all those physical things don't mean that much if the guy ends up being a prick and screwwing you over so if you really want to have girl find you attractive - treat her like the princess she deserves to be and give her as much respect as you'd want a guy to give you little girl (If you had one).
I think a lot of guys realise this a little late in life after breaking quite a few girls hearts.
Maybe one day I'll meet the guy I described - until that day there's fun to be had *naughty giggles*
Gretta x


Blogger bondibetty said...

We on the same page girl! Added to that is that I love a guy with confidence too. Who looks comfortable in what he's wearing and what he's doing, he's got to be in control of his life.

So basically, I go for tall, ruggedly handsome, strong looking men with attitude. Receipe for disaster...

5:11 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

*naughty giggles*

What wee those for?

7:57 PM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Betty - Confidence is good and ruggedness is good too yummy.

Scotty: I just like to be a little bit naughty from time to time ;)

3:32 AM  
Blogger coffeesnob said...

you never know where an offhand remark will get you...

these are your preferences, of course. but don't see the need to encourage male vanity (re: arms) myself.

re: docs+parachute pants. nothing wrong with you. all teenagers have vile taste. it comes with the hormones.

4:12 AM  
Blogger *kb* said...

I have an issue about feet! Yes, I know it's weird, but living by the beach everyone wears flip flops and if a man can't trim his toe nails then ACK! If the feet are well groomed, that's a huge plus! :-) I also find I'm pretty attracted to humor, make me laugh and that's pretty huge! Drive a truck, own tools and can fix things!? WOOT! WOOT!!

11:12 AM  

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