Saturday, February 19, 2011

Online Dating Dilemma

As you know I've had pretty much next to no luck on the online dating thing....

There was a short ginger guy that I went on one date with and it was a complete disaster.

There's the well handsome pilot who knows he's handsome and threatened to visit my city but hasn't yet. I still talk to him on chat but we've been chatting since July and nothing has actually come of it apart from I think we might be online friends of some sort which is a bit odd.

Then there was the Doctor from the UK Coast who was going to visit during Christmas break but got stuck in the snow. His facebook status has just turned to "in a relationship".

Well, there is one other guy who emailed me a fair bit and I want to call him Biker. Biker is into motorsport and I like motorsport so this sits well with me. Biker isn't great looking but nor is he unattractive, he's got dark hair - he calls it brown I would call it dark ginger but the colour suits him he carries it well in all his pics. He's tall and thin, not the muscular type that I usually go for. The thing I like the most about Biker is his humour we've been chatting on msn now for about 3 weeks and everytime I come away with a smile on my face and he's me laugh in some way. I can tell that he's feeling the same he kind of eases me into the conversation and I find myself wanting to say nice things to him in the same way he says nice things to me. It feels nice, it makes me feel nice.

There's one massive problem with Biker, one that I think it too big to get over, but one I'm choosing to ignore while I'm enjoying talking to him so much and the one problem I know will prevent me at some point to taking this further and probably the one thing that will stop him.....

He lives in New Zealand!


Blogger A Lil' Irish Lass said...

I sympathize immensely with your struggle in the land of online dating. I'm slowly working my way forward from July, but the next batch of posts (maybe not the next, but definitely within the next week or so) will be about all of the fun I've had in cyberspace.

It's an awful, awful place.

6:03 PM  

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