Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The truth of the matter....

I think JerkBoy is struggling a bit with his new relationship and maybe I'm not helping matters. I've distanced myself big time and I actually like the girl much more than any of his previous endeavours.

These are the 3 things that have caused me concern.

Jerkboy turns up at my place

Gretta: wow you're wearing my favourite shirt and the aftershave I bought you last Christmas.

Jerkboy: It's all for you Gretta, it's always all for you.

Gretta: you're such a charmer.

a bit later he goes on to tell me about this situation

Jerkboy: The other day I was with my GF and a work colleague and the work colleague sat in the front of my car why the GF had to sit in the back. I ended up having a massive row with the work colleague over her behaviour.

Later that same evening

I sit in the front of JerkBoys car when we go to pick up his GF when we get to her place I sit in the back

Jerkboy: No Gretta you don't have to sit in the back.

Gretta: I think I do.

Jerkboy: No I didn't mean you. Seriously you didn't have to get in the back.

Then today, finally he's accepted his GFs request so that they're now officially in a relationship on facebook. I sent Jerkboy a text

"I'm so proud of you".

His reply

"Gretta you know I did it for you and not the GF".

The thing is I have moaned at him that she'll feel like he can't commit to her if he doesn't accept it and that I think he should accept it and yaddy yaddy yaddy. It really wouldn't surprise me if he actually did do it for me.

I know Jerkboy and I have a deep friendship but we need to make sure that friendship doesn't affect our relationships and I'm trying my hardest here to make sure he does the right thing by his GF and not the right thing by me.

Ahh well, I guess Jerkboy in a 'serious' relationship was never going to be easy after the friendship we've had.


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