Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Another walk to remember...

Went out for the day with New Guy yesterday and it was just a really nice day. I struggled up a hill it seems my fitness is somewhat lacking since the CD days. In fact lacking a lot. However, managed to get to the top to see some fab views.Then after we were driving back and saw a lake that we thought was worth investigating. The pictures make it look better than it was but in all honesty it was very swamp-like.After our day out I went back to his and he cooked delicious meatballs and pasta for me. He wouldn't let me do a thing. Then we chatted to his flatmate and his flatmate's girlfriend for a bit and settled in for a game.

During the day he definitely said some funny things, I think he assumes at some point we're just going to turn into a couple this is one conversation we had -

Gretta: I don't like red wine, I'm more of a white or Rose girl.

New Guy: *jokingly* Well, that might have to change I would class not liking red wine a dumpable offense.

Later on in the evening...

New Guy: Do you want to see the pics of Peru, the trip I was telling you about earlier.

Gretta: Yeah ok sounds good.

New Guy: Oh the ex is in them are you sure you want to see them.

Gretta: Yeah it's fine.

It wasn't fine really, the ex is stunnging, intelligent, fit (bet she wouldn't have struggled like me) and did I mention stunning. I felt completely inadequate. I shouldn't have looked at those pics.

We hugged goodbye and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. We've organised a day out to visit some waterfalls that I really want to see. Although we've both got some busy weekends planned so haven't booked the date but we're both up for it.

I like him, he's lovely, I'm just still concerned about the ex. She just seems way out of his league and I'm not convinced I can match that. Maybe I'm more in his league. He's a nice guy I can tell from how he is with me, but is it enough and am I enough? I guess time will tell.


Blogger Scotty said...

Dont worry about the ex. She's an ex for a reason and he's with you for a reason. You two need some pics together :)

11:06 AM  

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