Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The art of flirting.

I've still be chatting to the hotornot guy. And through chatting to him I have realised something. That it has been a looooooooooooooonnnngg time since I flirted properly. Yeah me and CD flirted a bit in the relationship but before going out our flirting was minimal, and I guess because we were friends it always was minimal.

However chatting to hotornot guy online has enabled me to be a little flirtatious, and it feels good. Just having that bit of attention, that bit of friendly banter, joking about cuddling on the couch together watching movies and silly dreams that probably wont come to life. Yet just jokingly flirting with each other.

I've missed it. I've missed being able to jokingly flirt with someone. Everything was so serious with me and CD, so so serious always about planning and future, never about enjoying the moments life throws at you.

So, anyway, today I have decided I am going to flirt more, but not just flirt more I am going to chat more with random people I meet. And what a perfect itme to do it.. It's December and for me, it's party time!!!!!


Blogger bondibetty said...

Ding Dong girl! You're back!!! Get on that horse again honey!!!

4:14 AM  

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