Monday, November 24, 2008


.. I deleted a couple of albums off of Facebook that had CD and I together in. You may ask why did it take so long for me to this. Truth is, they've not bothered me at all, and they still don't not really sure why I deleted them. I was just looking through my photos and thought actually I have no need or want to remember that moment. Before I knew it I'd hit the delete button and it was gone.

It doesn't feel odd, the only thing that feels odd is if CD notices that the pics he was once tagged in have now been deleted, eradicated from his profile too. This might make him think I'm bitter (which I'm not), that I don't want him as a friend (which actually I think I do) or that I'm not over him (and I really think I'm over him). So, this is the problem with deleting when it's not necessarily necessary.

Anyhow, I have a stinking cold today and I'm off sick. It's not good at all. I'm hoping one bed day will enable me to face and embrace work tomorrow. Ok less of the embrace!


Blogger bondibetty said...

Hey chick! I'm back!!! Great to hear you're coping OK with the breakup, swings and roundabouts and all.

So how are you going with the idea of moving to Australia? I think you'd like it here.

Sorry I disappeared, too much Dean!

2:24 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

Glad it doesnt all feel odd :)

Hope you feel better!

8:43 PM  
Blogger coffeesnob said...

i'd like to see a sign at the arrivals lounge of heathrow that says "england is off sick today. please try again tomorrow". it would capture the mood of the nation.

i say, were you at twickers to see the wallabees bounce all over england in the rugger? what larks!

8:27 PM  

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