Saturday, October 18, 2008

It says it all...

I think I've probably said this before but it is almost certainly definite, that JerkBoy is in fact a better friend to me than CD was as a boyfriend.

You see JerkBoy and I have been invited to Intellect and Intellect's bloke's firework party, it's a goth and punk party. So, today myself and JerkBoy spent the day sorting out his costume, it was a lot of fun and we stopped for a meal in the shopping centre. He went home for a few hours, then he came round my place to watch X Factor with me before heading into town with his uni mates.

It really is a shame we don't fancy each other in the slightest because seriously, we get on so well, but it truly is just an unbelieveable friendship... However, JerkBoy has invested more time, love and care into our friendship, than CD did into our relationship.

It fills me with hope. A hope that one day someone is going to put into me because they're in love with me. If Jerkboy can do it when it's just a friendship, there must be someone out there willing to give me what I need in a relationship.. There Must!!!!


Blogger Scotty said...

I know what you mean, I have a couple of (girl)friends that are really good friends, but nothing more.

7:30 AM  

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