Saturday, October 24, 2009

Didn't like her..

Now I feel I can speak the truth...

I never really liked CD's mum, it always felt like an effort with her, she wasn't particularly welcoming to me and I found her hard work. CD's dad I liked, CD's bro I liked, CDs sis I liked, CDs bros girlfriend I liked. CD's mum was hard work.

There I've said it. She rarely smiles, I didn't feel welcome, and even when she made an effort it seemed to come with a scowl.

Saying that I tried to understand, you see CDs dad has cancer and CD tells me he suffers from depression I have never seen his dad depressed but CD tells me his mum gets a hard time. I'm not sure I believe it, but I can understand if your husband is dying of cancer then you might not want to smile.

Anyway, it doesn't matter now, I just wanted to get it off my chest. I like most people, but I struggled with her.



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