Saturday, September 27, 2008

Looking forward to the brighter days.

You know it's funny that CS (the Aussie love of my life that disrespects the english no end that only makes him more endearing to me) mentioned that "after a break up kitkats and twixs are not your friend".

Although I did set my hand to baking up a batch of muffins it turns out that the stress of this week has caused me to lose half a stone. I am under 10stone for the first time since 2005. I'm not particularly happy about it, because I didn't lose weight by healthy eating, or by exercise. I lost it because I haven't wanted to sit down and eat a meal on my own when I knew my relationship was crumbling beneath me, today the thought of food just makes my stomach turn, although that could be something to do with the amount of rum consumed last night. So today I have eaten one muffin and one piece of toast, and really I just don't want anything else. Someone sort me out!

However, for now I'm going to get myself together, try not to worry about the fact that I've lost half a stone in a week through bad stress eating habits adn I am going to look forward.

You see I'm looking forward to the brighter days when my hurts fade away. You know I'm going to smile, I'm going to be friendly (even to CD) and I'm going to lift my head high and remind myself that I am loveable, someone out there loves me. I just haven't found him yet but when I do. I am going to treasure him..


Blogger bondibetty said...

Ah shit honey... I don't know whether to be happy for you, or sad.

Happy because if it's not going to work out, than it's better to move on sooner rather than later.

Sad because it's just sad... I know how happy you were when you guys got together.

I'm glad you're feeling strong that - but remember you're allowed to be sad too...

3:41 AM  
Blogger Scotty said...

I am happy that you know whats best for you, and that you're able to think clearly about things :)

11:37 PM  

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